About Me

Hello...Welcome to my blog. Very recently, I was looking for a natural remedy to help me sustain my health. I want to continue to cherish the times with my family. I found it more urgent especially after i was diagnosed with Diabetecs, Blood Pressure and High Cholestrol. The doctors call it the "Three Stooges" or in Malay "Tiga Serangkai". How apt it was referred to by the health specialists. I was given a range of chemically built medications to consume on daily basis. Visiting and queeing in hospitals started to become the normal monthly routine. The worst was these chemically prepared medications had other side effects.

My life began to go through a revelation or sort. Routines began changing. Carrying and consuming medications after meals became a norm. I wanted change and I wanted it to be natural. Nobody referred or informed of this mirical product. I researched and found IT. Here I hope to share them.

Introduction to Stem Cell and Types of Stem Cell Treatments Available today

Stem cell treatments are a type of genetic medicine that introduce new cells into damaged tissue in order to treat a disease or injury

Introduction: What are stem cells, and why are they important?
Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. In addition, in many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell.

There are primarily Two kinds of stem cells : embryonic stem cells and non-embryonic "somatic" or "adult" stem cells.

There are several stem cell therapies that are used to treat disease today, some routinely and some under extreme controversial circumstances.

■Adult Stem Cell Transplant: Bone Marrow Stem Cells
■Adult Stem Cell Transplant: Peripheral Blood Stem Cells
■Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplant
■Embryonic Stem Cell Transplant

Adult Stem Cell Transplant: Bone Marrow Stem Cells
Perhaps the best-known and routinely accepted stem cell therapy to date is the bone marrow transplant which is used widely to treat leukemia and other types of cancer, as well as various blood disorders. The marrow from the patient’s bone is removed before treatment.

Adult Stem Cell Transplant: Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant
While most blood stem cells reside in the bone marrow, a small number are present in the bloodstream. These multipotent peripheral blood stem cells, or PBSCs, can be used just like bone marrow stem cells to treat leukemia, other cancers and various blood disorders. The patient's or donor blood is used.

Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplant

Newborn infants no longer need their umbilical cords, so they have traditionally been discarded as a by-product of the birth process. In recent years, however, the multipotent-stem-cell-rich blood found in the umbilical cord has proven useful in treating the same types of health problems as those treated using bone marrow stem cells and PBSCs.
Umbilical cord blood stem cell transplants are less prone to rejection than either bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells. This is probably because the cells have not yet developed the features that can be recognized and attacked by the recipient's immune system. Also, because umbilical cord blood lacks well-developed immune cells.

Embryonic Stem Cell Transplant
This is a controversial and unethical method in which the stem cells are derived from early-stage embryo. Embryonic stem cells are derived from the inner cell mass of the early embryo, which are harvested from the donor. Like Umbilical cord blood stem cell transplants, are less prone to rejection.

Where Does StemEnhance fit in the Treatment of Stem Cells?

Since Adult stem cells are easier to be used if they are taken from patients themselves, because the replacement tissue would have less chance of being rejected why not use our own body Stem Cells with no clinical methods applied?

Problem is as we get older, our natural production of adult stem cells diminishes, and we start to see signs of aging and less than optimal functioning of our organs and tissues. So, the problem lies in getting our body to release its own stem cells to do the job they were designed to do - repair physiological breakdowns in the body.

"StemEnhance" also known as "AFA Extract" supports the natural release and migration of stem cells in the body, thereby assisting in the maintenance of optimal health.

Click here to learn the benefits of StemEnhance proven through Clinical Studies

Helping Your Body To Help Itself..A Better Option

Due to intense media coverage most people are only aware of embryonic stem cells, and they don't realize that we all produce stem cells in our own bodies called Adult Stem Cells. As science learns more about this incredible renewal system it is becoming increasingly clear that our Creator and Heavenly Father built within us an ability for us to repair our organs by use of adult stem cells which can be turned into any other cell type as needed.

Studies show that the more stem cells we have the better our bodies will be at repairing and rejuvenating stressed organs. This is truly exciting stuff; its better than science fiction. Adult stem cells is where our attention should be focused on instead of the controversial embryonic stem cells.

Many studies on the use of Adult Stem Cells to cure disease are currently underway. Take for instance this study reported on BBC News of Adult Stem cell heart cure to be tested. In this study doctors have launched a trial to test whether heart disease can be treated using a patient's own stem cells. Another interesting article is from Scientific America showing that bone marrow Stem Cells can reach the brain. These and other studies like these are why any product which can naturally increase the amount of our own Adult Stem Cells holds such incredible promise. To learn more about the exciting new world of Adult Stem Cells click on this link StemTech HealthSciences Inc.

What is AFA Extract aka Stem Cell Enhancer

What is it?
STEMTech AFA Extract is a breakthrough, natural botanical extract that supports wellness by helping your body maintain healthy stem cell physiology. It is the very first product on the market from the latest phytoceutical product category called “stem cell enhancers”.

What are stem cell enhancers?
Recent scientific developments have revealed that stem cells derived from the bone marrow, travel throughout the body, and act to support optimal organ and tissue function. Stem cell enhancers are products that support the natural role of adult stem cells.

Why do I need this product?
As you age, the number and quality of stem cells that circulate in your body gradually decrease, leaving your body more susceptible to injury and other age-related health challenges. Just as antioxidants are important to protect your cells from “free radical” damage, stem cell enhancers are equally important to support your stem cells in maintaining proper organ and tissue functioning in your body.

How does it work?
When you take two capsules, the ingredients help to support the release of stem cells from the bone marrow into the bloodstream. Through a natural process, those stem cells then travel to areas of the body where they are most needed.

What are stem cells?
Stem cells can be thought of as “master” cells. You’ve probably heard about the controversy of embryonic stem cells in the news. Stem cells are found in human embryos, but are also found in adult tissue. Adult stem cells are most abundantly found in bone marrow. Stem cells circulate and function to replace dysfunctional cells, thus fulfilling the natural process of maintaining optimal health.

How does AFA Extract help?
STEMTech AFA Extract supports the release of adult stem cells from bone marrow into circulation.

Is STEMTech AFA Extract scientifically studied?
Yes. Several clinical studies have been conducted on the product, in addition to several in-vitro trials. The formulation is patented and is the first of its kind on the market.

Where is it available?
STEMTech AFA Extract is available through

What Are Bone Marrow Stem Cell Enhancers?

Recent scientific developments have revealed that adult stem cells produced in the bone marrow can travel throughout the body and act to support optimal organ and tissue function. As we get older, our natural production of adult stem cells diminishes, and we start to see signs of aging and less than optimal functioning of our organs and tissues.

Stem cell enhancers are products that support the natural role of adult stem cells in the human body. StemEnhance supports the release of adult stem cells from bone marrow and into circulation throughout the body.

What Are Stem Cells?

A stem cell is like a newborn cell which has not yet decided exactly what kind of cell it will eventually become. After a male sperm cell fertilizes an ovum (a female egg cell), the rapidly-dividing cells which form the tiny human embryo are all stem cells known as embryonic stem cells.

Adult stem cells are a special kind of "undifferentiated" body cells which have the ability to transform themselves into other specific kinds of "differentiated" cells which form the tissue of an organ such as the heart or liver or brain. In general, a stem cell will be influenced by the cells in its immediate environment and form into the same type of cell, such as a heart cell, liver cell, brain cell, or pancreas cell.

Adult stem cells are most abundantly found in bone marrow, and are sometimes referred to as bone marrow stem cells. A healthy body continuously produces these adult stem cells, which then circulate through the blood stream and function to replace dysfunctional cells, thus fulfilling the natural process of maintaining optimal health.

You may have heard news reports of "embryonic stem cells" being taken from an unborn human fetus, but here we are talking about adult stem cells which are produced in your own body. Because they are your own body cells containing your own DNA, your immune system does not identify them as a foreign organism and then attack and destroy them.

Thus adult stem cells are not affected by the "rejection" problem which often occurs when embyronic stem cells from outside sources have been unsuccessfully transplanted. And the ethical or religious issues associated with harvesting embryonic stem cells from a human fetus are simply not relevant to adult stem cells, because they are naturally created within your own body.